12 July 2012

Flower Moment

I love taking a lunch break and making myself a little desk arrangement from leftover flowers. Its important to sneak moments of fun and joy into your day, every day!

10 July 2012

BEEHIVE Boulder Opens Tonight!

I just got back from freshening up the Beehive, our newest Boulder restaurant, with some mint on the table bud vases and scabiosa (pictured) and mint jars for the bar. What a fabulous new place to savor small plates and wine for happy hour (starts at 3pm) or a farm-fresh delicious dinner. Say hi to the GM Shannon if you stop by too!
on 10th off of Pearl Street in Boulder (next to Sushi Tora)

09 July 2012

Denver Botanic Gardens

I have no idea why it took me so long to get myself down to the Denver Botanic Gardens. I've only driven by it a zillion times, and it's always something I like to do when traveling. But somehow, it slipped my mind. Well, that era is over! I am getting a membership for my family because it is literally a vast haven where I can go and know that my soul will be soothed, even with cranky toddler and grumpy husband in tow (by the end, they were soothed too). It was particularly beautiful on the misty, cool morning we had yesterday, walking and looking, talking and being silent, noticing, wondering, smelling, marvelling, exploring, running, sitting, snacking, listening and relaxing. Did I mention the children's garden with the rickety bridge that my son ran over giggling with glee about 54 times?

From this adventure I wanted to point out a particularly fun new find for the garden; a sedum-like plant (hardy for Colorado) with the best name I've ever come across...the Moon Carrot (pictured). Also of note were the amazing bamboo sculptures and misty lily pond. Have a visit soon, you will not be dissapointed!

02 July 2012

The Spiritual Post

I like to practice gratefulness, and some of the things that make me feel in the moment and so thankful for life in it's simple wonder, are flowers! Just a few of my favorite anemones on the bathroom counter start my day with a smile. 
When I started my journey as a floral designer, I read the intro to Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth, where he wrote about monks silently contemplating a flower and that being the meaning of life. This is partly where I got the title "life is beauty-full" and it informed my delight that working with creation's most beautiful objects is a privilege beyond words. What are some of the things that bring you moments of joy in your daily life? If you are seeking pleasure and mindfulness, consider buying yourself a bunch of your favorite blooms today. Be well and peaceful. Thank you for reading my blog!

26 June 2012

BEEHIVE: New Boulder Restaurant

On behalf of a good friend I wanted to get the word out about a new and wonderful restaurant opening on Pearl Street (and 10th, next to Sushi Tora), called BEEHIVE. It is a farm/local/fresh concept by the same chef owners as the old Beehive in Denver from years past. My good girlfriend Shannon is the General Manager and will be happy to make you feel at home there. They are set to open next week July 3rd for dinner only but I will send more info as it comes. I am hoping to do their flowers now or ongoing! I will post pictures if and when that happens....



18 June 2012

Here comes the sun....

It's almost officially summer here in Colorado but if you live here, you know it feels like it's already been around a couple of months. I have enjoyed June so much due to the abundance of PEONIES and lush green that is quickly starting to fade due to recent high temps, winds and dry weather. This year is the first year my own flower garden has started to take off and though I don't do much cutting, I love sitting on my back porch and seeing the multicolored beauty of nature, born of the efforts of creation and my own two hands. I love the feeling of my dirty hands and sweaty brow...washing away in a soapy shower and then looking at what I have done! I am as much in love with garden flowers as I am with cut floral design and perhaps I can mix the two someday. For now I am feeling energetic and optimistic about the coming months of sunshine, and hoping to get my business back on the radar a little bit. I took last year off since I had a new baby but things are starting to get normalish again and I'd love to do a wedding or two come fall. More posts to come. Until then, enjoy the outdoor scenery!